Our Company, GASKIN ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED is incorporated in Nigeria with registration number RC 808812. We are an indigenous engineering company that was conceptually born to provide engineering services to client in the area of Facilities Management, Instrumentation/Control, Electronic Security and Fire Safety Systems, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Electrical Power Equipment, Information Technology, Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
Over time, we have acquired technical and management skills which have proven to be more than adequate to match the increasing need for prudent JIT [Just in time] management of available recourses. Recently, we have been able to re-engineer our organization in this line by the adaptations of Deming’s TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT [TQM] Culture with focus on an internal network and chain of client-supplier relationship. These have been of great benefit to the organization especially in quality assurance for our clients, accountability, and reduction in various form of wastage.
To provide quality services, business solution and innovations with the view to maintain high level professionalism in deploying our products and services with a focus on excellence and affordability.
To always meet our customers needs by providing excellent innovative products and exceptional service in order to consistently add value to our clients and their respective industry.